Wood Green Mall Welcomes Workplace Health Checks




Our Workplace Health Checks service has been given a warm welcome in workplaces across Haringey since launching in October.

It’s part of a government-funded national pilot which is bringing local authorities and employers together to deliver NHS Health Checks into workplaces across the country.

In the two months since launch, the service has already signed up 39 local businesses and delivered 500 health checks.

Recently they linked up with Wood Green Mall around the corner from our office to provide these checks to staff working there.  They were in high demand and received great feedback from the patients they saw throughout the day.

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  • ‘’It was a pleasure acting as a central hub for businesses in Haringey to get their health checked. It’s great that this service is available for everyone who works in Haringey, and we would highly recommend everyone to take advantage of it.’’
  • “This is a very good service. I’m happy I know my health status now.”

The team is continuing to collaborate with organisations across Haringey to build on this great work.

More about Workplace Health Checks

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Published: Dec 13, 2024