Bringing NHS Health Checks to your Workplace




Haringey employers are now able to offer NHS Health Checks to their employees in the workplace.

It’s part of a government-funded national pilot which is bringing together local authorities with employers to deliver NHS Health Checks into workplaces across the country.

Haringey GP Federation has been commissioned by Public Health Haringey to deliver the programme in Haringey.



It enables Haringey based employers to offer comprehensive heart health checks to their employees. The checks can help detect people at higher risk of a range of diseases and help them to access effective treatment and take preventative action.

These checks save lives. Every year the NHS Health Check programme engages over 1.3 million people in England and prevents an estimated 300 premature deaths.

Research shows that not everyone who is eligible for a health check completes one. The Haringey pilot will make it easier and more convenient for people who work here to sign up for a life-saving check in the convenience of their workplace.


How long will this be available?

The pilot service will run until the end of March 2025, helping local employers to offer these voluntary checks and prevent illness among their workforce. It is also expected to save thousands of hours of valuable NHS time and reduce overall waiting lists. 

Haringey GP Federation have been in touch with Haringey employers to let them know how to get involved.


Eligibility criteria

To qualify for a health check, patients must meet the following criteria:

  • Aged 18+ and working or volunteering in Haringey
  • Have not received an NHS Health Check in the last five years

Were not previously diagnosed with one of the following: 

  • coronary heart disease, 
  • chronic kidney disease (CKD), 
  • diabetes
  • hypertension
  • atrial fibrillation
  • transient ischaemic attack 
  • familial hypercholesterolaemia
  • heart failure
  • peripheral arterial disease
  • stroke




How to book

We have been reaching out to employers across the borough to inform them about the programme. Please contact your employer/HR department for further information.

Get in touch:

If your organisation is interested in taking part in workplace health checks, please contact us.


Southwark Council national workplace Health Checks

This video was put together by Southwark Council as part of the national workplace health checks campaign.



Is data from the health checks fully confidential? 

Yes, no details from the health checks will be shared with the employer or any non NHS organisations.

Do I have to have the blood test?

We advise all patients to have the blood test as it is a crucial part of the health check. Among other things, the results help us to determine a patient’s risk of developing a heart attack or stroke over the next 10 years.

While the blood test is not mandatory, patients are strongly advised to have them done so that we can catch any warning signs early and act appropriately if anything is found.

What if I have had a blood test done recently?

Please let our health care assistant know so they can take that into consideration.

More information:

More information about the national programme can be found on the DHSC website.