One You Haringey Launches Their New App
Earlier this month, our One You Haringey Service successfully launched their new healthy lifestyle app at a special event at Tottenham Community Sports Centre.
The event played host to a range of activities, all designed to help residents better understand their health and wellbeing needs. This included free health and fitness sessions as well as direct support from our qualified health coaches on how to live a healthy lifestyle.
Those who joined us at the event were able to:
- Get a free health check
- Join taster fitness sessions
- Talk to qualified health coaches
- Sign up for help to be smoke free
- Find out about support to scale down alcohol intake
- Monitor their health and get personalised health plans with the One You Haringey mobile app
- Connect with local health and care providers
- Discover tools to guide a journey to a healthier lifestyle
The day showcased the power of face-to-face community engagement in building trust and rapport. It was also enjoyable for all our staff who took part and all the kids who got their face painted!
We’re excited to see the positive impact that One You Haringey and their new app has on people across Haringey as it gains more users.
Download the app:
One You Haringey is a free health lifestyle programme run by Haringey GP Federation which provides NHS health checks and helps people looking to lose weight, exercise, stop smoking and reduce alcohol intake.
It helps local people to make small, sustainable changes to improve health and wellbeing and live a longer, happier life.
Published: Oct 17, 2024